Transforming Motherhood with Organized Bliss

By Shannon Bussnick, LSW

To the mamas navigating the beautiful chaos of motherhood – welcome!

Let’s talk about something we all know too well: the daily spills, the bedtime hurdles, and the endless on-call duties whenever we’re about to make a run for the shower or take a sip of our “morning” coffee.

We’ve all made that secret deal to cherish even the messiest “num num” moments, despite our souls feeling a bit bartered in exchange.

And it’s more than okay to feel that heavily.

Because while we thank the sun, moon, and all the stars for our little bundle, acclimating to the sleepless nights and our painful, hunched-over backs is far from a walk in the park.

Sidenote: If you have pasta sauce dripping down your shirt at this very moment, you’re not alone!

Those first months of parenting are all about survival – a game of how long you can keep your eyes open before surrendering to exhaustion.

We’ve all been there… some days rescued, some not so lucky.

And now, as we venture into the next phase of parenting (or at least our own version of it), where sleeping through the night is the norm, let’s add a game-changer: smart planning.

Yes, the big reveal is… planning.

It’s about keeping our sanity intact -and- that pesky kitchen drawer from becoming our arch-nemesis while topping off yet another bottle. Seriously though, those little tummies sure can house 4 ounces like it’s nothing, right?

Finding Peace in Organization

Before I became a “mama,” I dabbled in being organized, but nothing too consistent.

(Sounds like more of a grown-up conversation with that verbiage but let’s run with it.)

However, during the toughest of those postpartum days, staying organized saved my sanity. Especially as a first-time mom.

Knowing where things belong is a form of self-care that we sometimes overlook. It can be grounding to have a sense of organization, even if everything isn’t in its rightful place right away.

But being organized isn’t always about alphabetizing your cleaning supplies (unless that’s your thing, and I commend you for it!).

For me, it’s about having supplies where I need them and being intentional with my time and resources. A clutter-free space means more fun throughout the day; clean dishes mean longer walks with your furry friend, pasta nights, and deep belly laughter.

It’s about being present with those around you and creating space for your own wants and needs.

And no, not selfish in the slightest!

Balancing Structure and Spontaneity

Here’s the secret: spontaneity can coexist with organization. You can be structured and exciting, calculating yet worry-free. It’s all about balance. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Just as your value doesn’t change whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, working one, or both.

Change Your Space, Change Your Life

A clutter-free space creates positive energy. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.

Serving more patience during dinnertime battles or accumulating extra “me-time” at the end of the day makes it all worth it.

Human connection gives us purpose, and a clutter-free home creates the environment for it.

Practical Tips for Daily Joy

Let’s break it down.

Daily tasks like organizing cabinets while doing dishes or decluttering while feeding pets can be mood-enhancers.

Seriously. Does anyone else love the feeling of crossing items off your to-do list?

Larger projects, while daunting, bring immense relief once tackled. So take the weekend off and clean out that stuffy basement. Schedule a late night to tackle that hurricane of a closet.

Trust, you will feel better.

Feeling Stuck? Change Your Scene!

If motivation is missing, change your environment. Move furniture, add new curtains, or change up the décor. Small changes refresh us and inspire us to embrace new possibilities.

Paint Your Own Reality

Organizing isn’t just about rearranging – it paves the way for newfound opportunities and rekindled passions.

So, let’s embrace the chaos, organize our spaces, and as cheesy at it sounds, redecorate our souls. Together, we can transform motherhood into an organized, blissful journey.

Stay inspired and we’ll see you next time.

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