A Personal Reflection on Self-Improvement

By Shannon Bussnick, LSW

Throughout my life, I’ve experienced a whirlwind of change, often finding myself oscillating between various paths and directions. This indecision wasn’t due to a lack of purpose but rather a hesitance to trust my gut feelings, fearing isolation or disapproval.

Have you ever felt torn between following your intuition and seeking external validation?

My intuition has always been a guiding force, allowing me to absorb the essence of my surroundings even while deeply engaged in conversation or tasks. This heightened awareness, though at times overwhelming, often uncovers insights before my logical mind catches up.

Can you recall a moment when your instincts knew the truth before your rational mind did?

This duality within me—one part craving acceptance, the other fiercely individualistic and bold—fuels my passion for writing. Writing isn’t just a hobby for me; it’s a conduit for introspection and exploring topics that resonate deeply. It’s about connecting to something greater, a pursuit that lends purpose to our lives. You don’t have to be an expert to do what you love; you also don’t need to measure up against the perceived competition. Do what you love in the way it best resonates with you.

How often do you turn to creative outlets to find clarity and purpose?

My life’s mission has been crystal clear for some time; I’ve never really struggled with identifying what moves me, providing a surge of excitement and contentedness in the same breath: to love authentically, raise awareness on meaningful issues, and cherish my happiness along the way. This drive isn’t just for self-fulfillment; it’s about leaving a legacy of love and integrity for my children, showing them the value of unconditional love and self-worth.

What legacy do you aspire to leave for those you cherish?

And remember, what brings happiness to my life probably won’t do the same for you. That’s what’s so beautiful about it all.

So, what brings me joy? It’s the simple pleasures, really, though equally purposeful: relaxing by the side of my loved ones with no agenda to fulfill, that first bite of all things savory and sweet, taking moments to sit with my thoughts and express gratitude over a cup of steamy, rich coffee (bonus happy hormones for a flat white).

I appreciate the gravitational pull I experience towards writing (when the inspiration strikes, that is), as well as, contemplating the vast array of books I wish to read—even if I only manage to turn the first page.

And then there’s the pleasure of curating a fluid, personal style that serves as a way of mind candy, even when acquiring every coveted item isn’t possible.

I find joy in music that echoes or amplifies my emotions and immerses me in deep discussions about the world’s mysteries with fellow thinkers. Even the slight frustration of not having all the answers adds to the experience; the realizations shared with another form of the essence of true connection. This shared connection during a moment of enlightenment is so centering, and seated in vulnerability, reminding me that others are like-minded, and aren’t scared to question.

In this quest for personal growth, I’ve realized the importance of embracing my uniqueness, even if it diverges from the conventional paths of those around me. We all possess unique talents and purposes that may not align with others’ expectations, and that’s okay.

How do you honor your individuality in a world that often values conformity?

This time, my commitment is to authenticity—to be unapologetically myself in every facet of life. This isn’t just about personal satisfaction; it’s about integrating my passions into my very being, allowing them to flourish and define my journey.

What steps are you taking to live more authentically and align with your true passions?

The journey of personal development is not just about reaching a destination but about illuminating the path we’re on, making each step purposeful and aligned with our deepest values. As we embark on this path of self-discovery and growth, let’s encourage each other to thrive, to be our most authentic selves, and to let our passions guide us toward our life’s mission.

In embracing our true selves and our unique paths, we not only find personal fulfillment but also inspire those around us to do the same.

So, I invite you to reflect on your own journey:

How are you giving yourself the space to thrive?

How can you more fully integrate your passions into your everyday life?

Let’s normalize happiness and goal-setting as a common point of discussion, amongst those we know and those we don’t, and as a trusted reference for all of life’s decisions.

Vienna Lane

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