Curating Personal Chic in the Motherhood Matrix

By Shannon Bussnick, LSW

Motherhood brings a whirlwind of changes, not least of which is how we view and express ourselves through fashion. Gone are the days of compromising style for functionality, even if we need to take stilettos-on-cobblestone steps to get there.

As moms, the strong, resilient beings that we are, have the ability to cultivate a chic, versatile wardrobe that reflects our personality and fits our dynamic lifestyle. However, this is only if it aligns with our personal preferences. We should never feel obligated or pressured to think or feel a certain way about our appearance or that of others. At Vienna Lane, we encourage and empower each other through our unique journeys.

Here, we dive into the world of chic mom style, where fashion meets practicality, and every day is an opportunity to showcase our unique selves. Even if we’re just sweeping the kitchen floor, it can still feel like a runway moment—just for now (certainly, not forever!).

Finding Your ‘Chic Mom Style’ (or whatever resonates)

The journey to finding your personal style as a mom can be both exciting and daunting. It often involves a blend of introspection and experimentation. Style isn’t just about clothes; it’s a form of self-expression that ignites your spirit.

“Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.”

~Rachel Zoe

This sentiment resonates deeply for moms, as our style can brighten even the rainiest days, influencing not just how we feel but also how we interact with the world, including our children.

And if you’ve ever considered whether or not to give your child the thumbs up when it comes to wearing their favorite butterfly wings down the aisles of the grocery store, you might find an answer by looking at your own collection of clothes. Chances are, you still have a prom dress weighed down by rhinestone embellishments, a bridesmaid dress that is perhaps a bit too overbearing, or even a Halloween costume from your freshman year in college that might widen some eyes, all of which can help serve as a reminder.

We have to keep each other accountable somehow, right?

Like we said earlier, style is a form of self-expression, reflective of the season of life we’re in. And actually, some of those Halloween costumes were pretty cute.

Center Around Staple Pieces

A chic mom’s wardrobe should have versatile staples that can easily transition from casual to formal, and from day to night.

Here are some closet essentials:

1. The Classic Blazer: A tailored blazer, or even an oversized fit, can elevate a casual outfit or complement a formal one. Simple pieces leave plenty of room for bold styling.

2. Comfortable, Stylish Flats and Loafers: They’re perfect for being on the go while still looking put-together.

3. A Versatile Dress: A wrap or shift dress works well for various occasions and is easy to dress up or down. Investing in both a softer and bolder color can complement your wardrobe throughout the changing seasons.

4. Quality Denim: A pair of well-fitting jeans is indispensable for both comfort and style. Don’t skimp out on quality here but also don’t break the bank, either. Denim is denim. Granted, holes inching through our back pockets was (and should stay) a millennial pastime.

Dressier Options: Chic and Mom-Friendly

For dressier occasions, it’s important to choose styles that are both chic and practical. Consider these timeless, mom-friendly options:

1. The Midi Dress: Offers elegance without sacrificing comfort or mobility. It’s such a simple, functional piece which makes it not simple in the slightest.

2. A Stylish Jumpsuit: Easy to wear and versatile for different settings. The best jumpsuits, in my personal, style-neglected era right now, are ones that do your body justice, not that hide your shape. You can be comfortable and confident in your skin without wearing a poncho. (Let that be a reminder to myself!)

3. Elegant Flats or Low Heels: To maintain comfort while adding a touch of sophistication. Sidenote: I’ve been eyeing a pair of just-about-vintage Coach pennies and I daydream about their endless styling possibilities.

Kitten heels are also overlooked, but they are a fantastic option to slip into because of their versatility. What could be better than keeping your balance while chasing little ones around? Kitten heels are definitely the way to go. However, the history of the kitten heel is a topic that could be discussed separately.

Staying True to Yourself: Style Evolution in Motherhood

As we go through various phases in our lives, it is important to preserve our individuality in the way we dress. Our clothing should represent our personal development as a woman, not just as a mother but as a human being, as a source of energy. Embrace the changes that come your way and let your style narrate your story.

“Fashion has to reflect who you are, what you feel at the moment, and where you’re going”

~Carolina Herrera

Encouraging Creativity and Bold Choices

Fashion is a playground for creativity. Don’t be afraid to experiment and dress outside the lines. Mixing patterns, trying bold colors, or incorporating striking accessories can add a fun and personal touch to your everyday look.

I must say, emerald green and java brown have taken hold of me lately, neither of which has crossed my wardrobe much before. Remember, there are no rules – just opportunities to express yourself and enjoy the freedom that comes with it.

Embracing Joy and Confidence in the Motherhood Matrix

‘Chic mom style,’ or any style preference for that matter, is about balance – blending fashion with function and personal taste with practicality. By choosing versatile staples, dressier yet comfortable options, and staying true to our ever-evolving selves, we can maintain a sense of joy and confidence in our daily lives.

As we navigate the different stages of motherhood and life, let’s remember that taking care of ourselves and expressing our style is not just for us. Showing our children the beauty of self-care and self-expression is a powerful way to inspire them. It truly can be freeing to wear butterfly wings or vampire fangs down the grocery store aisles. I mean, who’s saying we can’t? And why aren’t we, then? Food for thought, I suppose!

So, to all the new moms, moms-to-be, veteran mamas, and women transitioning into new life stages, embrace your style journey with excitement and open arms. Your wardrobe is a canvas – have fun painting it, or totally dismantling it.

Vienna Lane

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